At Natural State Dance Company, we pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of dance genres. Below you will find all the genres we offer with a description of each.
This classical dance form highlights technical skills, grace, and strength. Ballet is the base of most dance genres. Ballet can be performed in flats or in pointe shoes.
This is an expressive form of dance that is growing in popularity. Contemporary dance combines elements of other genres like jazz, modern, ballet, and more.
Jazz dance has evolved to combine classical and new elements. This style is characterized by musicality and hard accents. Often times strength and flexibility is highlighted in this genre.
This style has a strong ballet base with a fusion of modern elements. Just like in ballet, graceful and fluid movements make up most lyrical dances.
This dance form focuses heavily on the feet. Various rhythms and syncopations make up tap dance. Different sounds are achieved by isolating various parts of the tap shoe at a time.
Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre is characterized by the dancer interoperating a song from a musical by acting and dancing. Dancers may lip-sync the words in this style.
This style originates from the streets. It has been made popular on television shows and music videos. Hip-hop is often up beat and energetic.
Modern dance is an expressive reaction to ballet. Unlike ballet, most modern dances are performed in parallel positions, not turned out.
This genre focuses on acrobatic tricks. Acro highlights dancers' strength and flexibility. It is similar to floor based gymnastics.